An AI Image Stock Site

[dephoro] uses AI image generation as a resource for various web-based projects, like design work for clients at [dephoro] Host. As a result, we have amassed a large collection of noteworthy images. We wish to share these images, free of charge, for anyone who enjoys them.

Yes! The stock images on our site are free for you. The image generation service we use to produce these images (Leonardo AI) is subscription based, which [dephoro] uses for website design projects, etc.

The preferred way is via checkout, by adding images to your cart. It is possible to pull the display images from site code, but the images shown on the site are downscaled for load speed and efficiency. The full-size images exist on a 3rd party service and are only accessible through checkout.

We suggesting reading through our Terms & Conditions for a more proper explanation; but in short: it is for you to decide and entirely your responsibility. The usage of AI images is still being discussed in legal terms, so we would strongly suggest not monetizing these images in any way. If you find yourself in legal trouble for monetizing these images, we will not help you.[dephoro] uses these images primarily for website design services, for things like filler art.

No, you do not. With that said, we would be beyond grateful for any recognition we get! Similarly, if you do choose to mention [dephoro] Stock, consider mentioning Leonardo AI as well.

No, you hold no claims of ownership towards these images. [dephoro] holds all applicable rights to these images. Downloading an image is not equivalent to ownership of the image nor ownership of the rights to the image.

We use a 3rd party AI image generation service: Leonardo AI. The service is subscription based, so we do pay for these images. We hold all applicable rights to these images. Downloading an image is not equivalent to ownership of the image nor ownership of the rights to the image.

In short, no. We will ignore any messages pertaining to image requests. Our purpose is not to undercut Leonardo AI‘s business model. We do, however, monitor trends across [dephoro] Stock and those trends may influence some small percentage of our image generation. So direct requests, no. Downloading an image to show support for that style, totally legit.

We operate as an official branch of the [dephoro] Network. The goal of the [dephoro] Network is to use companies like the [dephoro] Marketplace and [dephoro] Host to offset the costs for services like this. If you would like to support what we do, consider using the other [dephoro] Network services. We even work with a non-profit partner, [dephoro] Dream!